How do I add a widget slide to my widget container?
Note: For a widget to appear on your website, a LibraryAware administrator at your library must first install the widget container that the widget is associated with. See the How do I add a widget container to my website to display my widgets? page for more information.
- Click the Folders link at the top of the page.
- Click the Folder that contains your widget slide.
- If you have already created a widget, you will see it in the gallery. To create a new widget, click Create Item.
- To edit your widget before posting it:
- Click on the widget slide.
- Select the Edit option.
- Make your changes to the widget and click Save.
- To post your widget, select the Publish icon in the menu bar.
- Select the Website Widget link.
- To publish the widget without editing it:
- Click on the widget.
- Select the Add to widget link.
- Select the Immediately radio button to publish your widget now.
- To schedule the widget to post at a later date/time, select the In the Future radio button. Enter a date, and select the time that you want the widget to post. The scheduled time will take into account the time zone that your Administrator set in the Basic Settings.
- Select an Expiration Date and time (e.g., after the event takes place) to remove the widget automatically. If no date/time is selected, the widget will remain active until you remove it.
- From the Pick a Widget drop-down, select the widget container to which you would like to add this widget. Only those widget containers that are of the same aspect ratio and size (“Large” or “Small”) as the widget, will be listed in this drop-down.
- Click the Edit Link button to define your widget link.
- Book – From the Book tab, click Select Book. Search for the book and click Use this Book. Click OK to link the widget to the book. Note that you must have catalog linking set up to link to a book .
- E-Resource – From the E-Resource tab, click Select E-Resource. Search for the e-resource and click Use this E-Resource. From the drop-down menu, define the Link Format that you want to use. Click OK to link the widget to the E-Resource.
- Custom – Enter the URL for the website. The website entered must include the full URL path. For example: or The link will either open in the same window or a new window, depending on the selection made when the widget container was created.
- Enter the Alt text for the image. The alternative text will display when a patron cannot view an image, possibly due to their browser settings or to visual impairment. The text you enter should convey the same information as the image.
- Click Save Publication Event to publish or schedule your widget.