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How do I send an email to an individual?

  1. Click the Folders link at the top of the page to open the All Folders page.
  2. Open a folder by clicking the folder name.
  3. This will open the Items page, which lists all of the Items (bookmarks, flyers, emails, letters, or brochures) associated with the selected folder.
  4. Hover over the email you want to send and click on the Document Details icon (three vertical dots).
5. Click the Send Email option from the Document Details pop-up. This will take you to the Scheduling page.

6. To send the email immediately, select the Immediately radio button.
7. To schedule the email for a later date and/or time, select the In The Future radio button. Enter a date, and select the exact time that you would like the e-blast/letter to send.
Note: The scheduled time will take into account the time zone that your Administrator set in the Basic Settings.
Enter the following Email Publication Options:  
  • Subject - This text will appear in the email subject line.
  • Reply To Address - Enter the email address to which you’d like responses to be forwarded. 
  • Friendly From - This will appear in the “From” line in the email. You can use the name of a person at your library, or you can use a department name, e.g. Public Library Support. Leave this blank if you want to show the From/Reply To Address as the “From.”

  • 8. In the Additional Email addresses field, list any email addresses to which you would like to send your email.  Separate multiple email addresses with a semi-colon.   

    9. Check Email me when delivery is complete if you want to be notified by email when your email has been sent from LibraryAware.
    10. Click Save Publication Event to schedule the email, or click Go Back to cancel the email. 

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