How do I change the colors used in my item?

These instructions apply to templates that use the Classic editor, as well as emails and newsletters.

To pick a different color swatch for your item:

  1. At the top of the editor, click the Color Swatch button.
  2. In the Color Swatch window, your current swatch will display.
  3. Click the Use a different color swatch link.
  4. The Color Swatch window will expand to show a list of color swatches available.  This list will include Most Recently Used Swatches at the top for quick access as you are creating a Promotion.  The list will also include any custom swatches created for this Promotion and suggested Global Swatches that LibraryAware provides.
  5. Click on a swatch to see how it will look in your item. Your item will dynamically change as you select different swatches.
  6. Once you have selected a swatch to use, click the orange Use Swatch button.  To cancel your changes and return to your original color swatch, click Cancel
  7. The Color Swatch window will display your new current swatch.  See below for information on editing this swatch.  To return to your Item, click the X in the top corner of the Color Swatch window. 

To edit a color swatch: 

  1. At the top of the editor, click the Color Swatch button.
  2. In the Color Swatch window, your current swatch will display.
  3. Click the Pencil icon to edit your current swatch.
  4. The Color Swatch window will expand to show the full swatches for Text Colors and Background Colors.  
    Note: The second background color will always be white and cannot be changed.
  5. Click on the color (either Text or Background) that you want to change in your swatch.
  6. A window will pop up to allow you to edit the color.
  7. You can enter the RGB values or hex code for your desired color, or drag the arrows for the color bar in the center of the window to your desired color range.
  8. As you drag the arrows in the color bar, the large box on the left side of this window will display the shades for the selected color range.  
  9. Using your mouse, drag and drop the white circle in this large box, to find your color.  
  10. To the right of the color bar, you will see two small boxes. Your selected color will display in the small box on the left.  It will also display in your item, behind this window.  If you want to return to your original color, you can click on the second small box on the right.
  11. Once you have found your desired color, click in the Color Swatch window. 
  12. You can repeat steps 5-11 to change as many colors as you like.
  13. To save your swatch you have two options.  
    • To save this swatch to use in other items in this Promotion, click the orange Save swatch for this promotion button. 
    • To save this swatch for use in this item only, click the drop-down arrow on the orange button and select Save swatch for this item
  14. The Color Swatch window will display your new current swatch.  To return to your item, click the X in the top corner of the Color Swatch window. 

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