All articles

  1. Accessibility in LibraryAware Emails

  2. At the Advance List, how do I flag a title for deletion?

  3. At the Schedule Widget page, why don’t I see the widget container that I want to publish my widget to?

  4. Basic Settings

  5. Can a link embedded in an email link to anything?

  6. Can I add a subscriber that has previously been deleted from our account?

  7. Can I add a widget to my OPAC?

  8. Can I add an e-resource for a database that is not an EBSCO product?

  9. Can I copy an element?

  10. Can I export my subscriber list?

  11. Can I include animated GIFs in my e-blasts in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  12. Can I link widgets to NoveList?

  13. Can I upload a custom font to my LibraryAware account?

  14. Can I use LibraryAware images outside of LibraryAware?

  15. Can LibraryAware integrate with Stacks?

  16. Can our patrons subscribe to feeds of our newsletter lists?

  17. Catalog Link Format Examples

  18. Cheat Sheet: Create a "Books with Buzz" newsletter using Media Mentions

  19. Cheat Sheet: Create a Bibliography

  20. Cheat Sheet: Create a Book Flyer

  21. Cheat Sheet: Create a Bookmark

  22. Cheat Sheet: Create an Event Flyer

  23. Cheat Sheet: Find the Right Template with Keywords

  24. Classic Editor: Reusables

  25. Color Swatches

  26. Communication Summary

  27. Content Availability

  28. Creating Print Items: Classic Editor

  29. Creating Print Items: Drag & Drop Editor

  30. Do I need copyright permission to upload photos?

  31. Does the Drag & Drop Email Editor offer autosave?

  32. Examples of Libraries Using LibraryAware

  33. Expert Tips on Editing NextReads Newsletters

  34. Folder Metrics

  35. Folder Reports

  36. Folder Schedule

  37. Font Swatches

  38. Getting Started with NextReads Newsletters in LibraryAware

  39. How are NextReads newsletters created?

  40. How are the colors in my color swatch used in the newsletter?

  41. How can a parent organization distribute a newsletter to a child organization?

  42. How can I add a blank book record to my newsletter if the book is not in the LibraryAware database?

  43. How can I add multiple book and AV records in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  44. How can I add subscribers from one Interest Group or Newsletter List to another?

  45. How can I adjust the timing on my existing promotional widget?

  46. How can I check the catalog links in my newsletter?

  47. How can I create bibliographies in the Classic editor?

  48. How can I create templates for my organization?

  49. How can I customize my default opt-in and subscribe pages?

  50. How can I embed a newsletter issue on my website?

  51. How can I get a report of the newsletter issues sent for my library?

  52. How can I get subscriber activity report?

  53. How can I get the permanent link to a newsletter?

  54. How can I get the permanent link to an e-blast?

  55. How can I link to the image of my Item?

  56. How can I link to the PDF version of my Item?

  57. How can I see a list of my newsletter lists?

  58. How can I see a list of the newsletters that are scheduled to be delivered?

  59. How can I see which newsletter lists receive syndicated content?

  60. How can I see which widgets are posted to a widget container?

  61. How can I share my item so a coworker can review?

  62. How can I undo an action in the Classic editor?

  63. How can I update or reset my password?

  64. How can I use the Drag & Drop Email Editor to send e-blasts to my newsletter subscribers?

  65. How can I view a list of newsletter issues that have been sent to subscribers?

  66. How can I view the list of subscribers for a specific Interest Group?

  67. How can I view the list of subscribers to a Newsletter List?

  68. How can I view the subscribers that have unsubscribed from my library’s communications?

  69. How do I access LibraryAware accounts for other branches?

  70. How do I add a book, e-book, or audiobook to my newsletter?

  71. How do I add a link to an item?

  72. How do I add a QR code to my item?

  73. How do I add a widget container to my website to display my widgets?

  74. How do I add a widget slide to my widget container?

  75. How do I add alt text to my images in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  76. How do I add and edit images in the Drag and Drop editor?

  77. How do I add and edit shapes?

  78. How do I add and edit text in the Drag and Drop editor?

  79. How do I add banners in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  80. How do I add book or AV records to a Drag & Drop Email?

  81. How do I add borders to images, book jackets, and text boxes?

  82. How do I add branding headers and footers in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  83. How do I add buttons in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  84. How do I add countdown timers in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  85. How do I add custom HTML in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  86. How do I add images in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  87. How do I add menus in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  88. How do I add my library's branding?

  89. How do I add my library’s privacy policy link to my opt-in page?

  90. How do I add newsletter content to my Print Items and E-blasts?

  91. How do I add or change a background color?

  92. How do I add or change branding in an item in the Drag and Drop editor?

  93. How do I add or edit Community Partners?

  94. How do I add or edit Media Outlets?

  95. How do I add social media icons in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  96. How do I add spacers in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  97. How do I add subscribers to an existing Subscriber Interest Group?

  98. How do I add subscribers?

  99. How do I add text in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  100. How do I add video in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  101. How do I add, edit, or remove users?

  102. How do I adjust settings that apply to an entire e-blast in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  103. How do I bulk upload a list of subscribers?

  104. How do I cancel or reschedule the delivery of a newsletter?

  105. How do I change a widget's expiration date?

  106. How do I change my login email address?

  107. How do I change my user profile?

  108. How do I change or add an image in an item?

  109. How do I change the “Reply To” email address for my newsletters and other emails?

  110. How do I change the branding set used in a newsletter issue?

  111. How do I change the branding set used in an item?

  112. How do I change the colors used in my item?

  113. How do I change the font and font colors used in my item?

  114. How do I choose the right widget template?

  115. How do I copy a Newsletter Issue?

  116. How do I copy elements in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  117. How do I create a clickable button and add it to my e-blast in the Classic Editor?

  118. How do I create a custom opt-in/subscribe page?

  119. How do I create a new Subscriber Interest Group?

  120. How do I create a newsletter widget or add newsletter content to my site?

  121. How do I create a widget?

  122. How do I create an item from scratch?

  123. How do I create and edit a newsletter issue?

  124. How do I create and edit an e-blast in the Classic Editor?

  125. How do I create and edit an e-blast in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  126. How do I create and edit items in the Classic editor?

  127. How do I create custom branding in Publisher?

  128. How do I create two-sided Items?

  129. How do I create widget containers to hold my promotional widgets?

  130. How do I customize a layout using Structures in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  131. How do I deactivate a newsletter list that is no longer in use?

  132. How do I delete an element?

  133. How do I delete elements in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  134. How do I edit a newsletter list?

  135. How do I edit Containers in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  136. How do I edit images in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  137. How do I edit my image?

  138. How do I edit my library's branding?

  139. How do I edit or delete email subscribers?

  140. How do I edit or delete Subscriber Interest Groups?

  141. How do I edit the header of my NextReads newsletters?

  142. How do I enter or edit text?

  143. How do I find shelf talker templates in LibraryAware?

  144. How do I fix non-responsive branding in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  145. How do I manage my child organizations' access to my subscribers?

  146. How do I manage the list of e-resources for my library?

  147. How do I move an element in the Drag and Drop editor?

  148. How do I move elements in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  149. How do I move images, text boxes, or shapes from one item to another?

  150. How do I name items?

  151. How do I order Advance List items from Baker & Taylor?

  152. How do I print newsletters?

  153. How do I remove a widget?

  154. How do I rename a folder?

  155. How do I rename an item in the Drag and Drop editor?

  156. How do I review an item that a coworker shared?

  157. How do I rotate an element?

  158. How do I save a section as a Module for re-use in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  159. How do I save my item?

  160. How do I schedule a newsletter issue to send to my subscribers?

  161. How do I schedule e-blasts to a group of subscribers?

  162. How do I see my library's activity?

  163. How do I send a test email for a newsletter issue?

  164. How do I send an email to an individual?

  165. How do I swap a book or AV jacket image?

  166. How do I transfer subscribers from an Interest Group to a Newsletter List?

  167. How do I undo an action?

  168. How do I upload and manage images for my library?

  169. How do I use the ready-made Template Modules in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  170. How do I view a list of my draft newsletter issues?

  171. How do I view statistics on my newsletters and newsletter lists?

  172. How do I view the list of NextReads newsletters that are available for editing?

  173. How do I work with book flyers?

  174. How do I work with bookmarks?

  175. How do I work with layered or overlay templates in the Classic editor?

  176. How do I work with layers?

  177. How do I zoom in and out in the Drag and Drop editor?

  178. How do patrons/subscribers unsubscribe from communications sent from LibraryAware?

  179. I only want to receive notifications for specific NextReads Newsletter Lists. How do I set this up?

  180. I want a focused plan to promote a specific library service

  181. I want to add a link to an e-book or e-audiobook in my NextReads newsletter

  182. I want to archive a folder

  183. I want to connect to Facebook and Instagram

  184. I want to copy an item

  185. I want to create a folder

  186. I want to create a newsletter list

  187. I want to create a widget and add it to my library's website

  188. I want to create an event or book carousel or digital signage

  189. I want to create an item

  190. I want to create opportunities for patrons to virtually browse our collection

  191. I want to delete an item

  192. I want to edit an item

  193. I want to edit the details of a folder

  194. I want to email my patrons events or news from an RSS feed

  195. I want to email personalized reading recommendations to my patrons

  196. I want to get separate accounts for each of our branches

  197. I want to help readers find their next read

  198. I want to move an item from one folder to another

  199. I want to post to social media

  200. I want to preview my item

  201. I want to print an item

  202. I want to promote LibraryAware

  203. I want to reach readers through email

  204. I want to save a flyer or other item as an image

  205. I want to save my item as a PDF

  206. I want to schedule an email campaign for new cardholders

  207. I want to send out a flyer as an email

  208. I want to send out an email. Where should I create it?

  209. I want to sign up to receive notifications for Advance Lists or Draft NextReads newsletters

  210. I want to sort my items inside the folder

  211. I want to use NextReads newsletters to promote my programs and services

  212. I want to view my active folders

  213. I want to view my folder's publication schedule

  214. I want to view the details of an item I created

  215. If I make changes to a scheduled email, will I need to reschedule it?

  216. In the Classic editor, can I insert a folder item as an image in another item?

  217. In the Drag and Drop editor, can I convert an existing item to a different item type?

  218. Introducing the Drag & Drop Email Editor

  219. Is LibraryAware compatible with Macs?

  220. Is there a way to embed a video in my newsletter?

  221. LibraryAware Training & Webinars

  222. LibraryReads Newsletters

  223. Managing My Modules in the Drag & Drop Email Editor

  224. Managing RSS Feed Data Sources

  225. Managing Users: FAQs

  226. My Advance List export file is not displaying properly when I open it. What do I do?

  227. My bookmarks (or quarter/half page flyers) are not aligned properly when I print. What can I do?

  228. Newsletter Send History

  229. Newsletter Subscription History

  230. NextReads Editorial Calendar

  231. NextReads Newsletter Delivery Schedule

  232. NextReads Newsletters by Topic

  233. NextReads Promotion Kit

  234. On The Shelf (OTS)

  235. Promoting LearningExpress

  236. Promoting Library Services to Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

  237. Promoting NoveList

  238. Promoting Your Business Resources

  239. Promoting Your Collection

  240. Promoting Your Events

  241. Promoting Your NextReads Newsletters

  242. Promoting Your Summer Reading Program - Campaign Guide

  243. Reaching Technical Support

  244. Reports – FAQs

  245. Searching for Templates – FAQs

  246. Social Media - FAQs

  247. Status of LibraryAware

  248. Strategy: Design Best Practices

  249. Strategy: Naming and Organizing Folders and Items

  250. System Requirements

  251. Using Collections to find the templates you need

  252. Using the Folders section

  253. Using the LibraryAware Homepage

  254. Video Tutorials

  255. Welcome to LibraryAware

  256. Welcome to the Newsletter Builder for corporate customers

  257. What are Smart Containers and Smart Structures in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

  258. What are starred Newsletter Lists and how do I manage them?

  259. What are the different types of templates in LibraryAware?

  260. What are the different user roles?

  261. What are the elements of a Drag & Drop email?

  262. What are the recommended print settings for LibraryAware?

  263. What dimension should I use for each of my branding blocks?

  264. What do I do if book jackets aren't showing up when I try to add them to my newsletters and print items?

  265. What does LibraryAware do to prevent emails sent from LibraryAware from being flagged as spam?

  266. What if I have trouble finding the book that I want to add to my item or newsletter?

  267. What if my library wants to use a font that is not available in LibraryAware?

  268. What is an Opt-In Page link and how do I generate one?

  269. What is EBSCO's Privacy Policy regarding subscribers and GDPR compliance?

  270. What is the difference between an Interest Group and a Newsletter List?

  271. What is the difference between hard and soft bounces?

  272. What is the NextReads Advance List and how do I view it?

  273. What is the URL for my published newsletter?

  274. What keywords can I use to find design element images for my items?

  275. What resolution should I use for my branding image?

  276. What URL should I use for my e-resource?

  277. What's New in LibraryAware?

  278. When will my email be delivered?

  279. Where can I display my widget?

  280. Where can I find the total number of subscribers for my organization?

  281. Where can I view the full schedule of all Items my organization has published?

  282. Why am I getting a blank screen when trying to open a Drag & Drop email template?

  283. Why can't I activate my account?

  284. Why did the checkmark disappear from the Bounce Status column for a subscriber?

  285. Why does LibraryAware log me out?

  286. Why doesn’t my QR code scan correctly on my printed item?

  287. Why is my branding block displaying incorrectly or missing for a particular Item type?

  288. Why is my preview blank?

  289. Why isn’t my widget appearing on my site?

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