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How do patrons/subscribers unsubscribe from communications sent from LibraryAware?

Your subscribers have the option to unsubscribe from your LibraryAware communications at any time.

To unsubscribe from or change the communications received from LibraryAware:

  1. At the bottom of any email communication from LibraryAware, click on the Manage Subscriptions or Unsubscribe link.  You will open the library’s LibraryAware opt-in (or subscribe) page.
  2. If you want to subscribe to any new Newsletter Lists or Interest Groups, check those selections.
  3. To unsubscribe from any communications, deselect those Newsletters Lists and Groups.  Or to unsubscribe from all communications, select the Please do not send me any newsletter or promotional emails radio button.  Note: Subscribers that unsubscribe from all emails will be listed on the deactivated subscribers list.
  4. Click the Save My Email Preferences button.
  5. You will receive an email outlining your subscription changes.  
Note:  You can view the list of people that have unsubscribed from all of your communications by clicking the Subscribers link at the top of LibraryAware and selecting the Deactivated Subscriber on the left.

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