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How do I move an element in the Drag and Drop editor?

These instructions apply to templates that use the Drag and Drop editor only. For instructions on editing items created in the Lists editor, see the Creating Print Items: Classic Editor section.    

Before you move your element, turn on our guides to help you with your positioning.

To turn on the positioning guides:

  1. From the editor toolbar, click the gear icon.

  2. Use the toggles to turn the grid lines or rulers option on.
Note: You can also toggle the grid line on and off with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + G.

To move your element:

  1. Click on the element that you want to move.
  2. There are several ways to move the element:
    • Click and drag the element with your mouse.
    • Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the element.
    • Click the Position button under the toolbar. Change the Top or Left values to move the element to an exact position from the top or left edges of the item. This option is useful for lining up different elements in your item.
    • Copy and paste a element from one page to another in two-sided templates using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C (copy) and Ctrl + V (paste).
  3. Click outside of your item to release the element.

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