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- Open up the NextReads issue
in the editor by clicking on the Newsletters link, clicking Newsletter Lists, View Issues, then the Edit link.
- Click on the book annotation text box and then click on the Convert to Rich Text button. Click on Enter Rich Text Mode.

- Add the text underneath the author, such as "Available as an e-book."
- Highlight the text you would like to be a link. Then click on the Add/Edit link button.
- If you would rather add in a button, click in the Rich Text box and then click on the Insert Image button in the tool bar to the right of the Reusable button.

- This will bring up the Image Selector menu. Type "eblasts buttons" into the search bar. Choose from the rounded or rectangular button options. Click on the Select Image button. Use the corner handles and the Fit button to resize the button to a smaller size. Then highlight the button, and click on the Add/Edit link button.

- The Add/Edit Link menu will appear. If your catalog supports permanent links to records, copy and paste the browser URL for your e-book under the Custom URL tab. Then click OK.
- If your catalog does not support a permanent link to records, but does have ISBN linking configured, click on the Book tab. In a new browser tab, open your catalog and find the e-book.
Copy the ISBN for the
e-book in your catalog and paste it the ISBN field shown below. Then click on the ISBN button under Preferred Catalog Link, and then click OK.
Note: Check to see if your account has ISBN linking configured by clicking on the Admin link at the top. Scroll down on the Basic Settings page to the Catalog linking section. Only account administrators have access to the Admin section.

- Repeat these steps for all titles you wish to add a link to an e-book record in the issue.