How can I view the subscribers that have unsubscribed from my library’s communications?

At the Deactivated Subscribers page, you can view subscribers that have selected to unsubscribe from all communications.  Note that deactivated subscribers will not be able to receive any emails from your organization.

Go to the Subscribers tab and select Deactivated Subscribers on the left, under Email Subscribers. A list will display of all deactivated subscribers.

At the bottom of the page, view the total number of deactivated subscribers.  You can export the list by clicking the Export to CSV button at the top of the page.

To filter the list to a particular Newsletter List or Interest Group:

  1. Click in the Filter by field and select the Interest Group or Newsletter List that you are interested in.  
  2. Below the list of subscribers, Filtered Deactivated Subscribers will show the number of subscribers for the selected Interest Group or Newsletter List.

To remove a subscriber from the deactivated list:

  1. Select the checkbox next to the name(s) of the subscriber(s) you wish to remove.  
  2. Click the More button above the list and select Delete checked.
The deactivated subscriber will be removed from our system. De-activated or removed subscribers can be re-added by subscribing through your library's opt-in page.

To upload a list of subscribers that should be blocked from receiving emails (i.e., a subscriber deny list):

  1. Click the Upload Deactivated Subscribers button.
  2. Enter a Name for the Bulk Upload.  This field will default to be named with the current date and time.
  3. To upload a file of your subscribers:
    Note that the file must be formatted as in the examples found at the How do I bulk upload a list of subscribers? page.
    1. Select the Upload a list of subscribers radio button.
    2. Click Choose File
    3. Find the file on your computer, and click Open. Note: Make sure that the file is closed on your computer to ensure that it is properly uploaded.
  4. Or paste in a list of subscribers:
    Note that the list must be formatted as in the text editor example found at the How do I bulk upload a list of subscribers? page.
    1. Select the Paste in a list of subscribers radio button.
    2. Paste in your list of subscribers in the correct format, with each subscriber listed on a separate line.
  5. Click the Import and update Subscribers button.

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