How can I view the list of subscribers for a specific Interest Group?

  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, and click the Subscriber Interest Groups link on the left.
  2. The total number of Interest Group subscribers will be listed under each Interest Group name.  
  3. Click the subscriber count link to view the subscribers of this Interest Group.
From the Interest Group subscriber list, search for a specific subscriber by name or email address. 

Export the list by clicking Export to CSV.

To see a list of Interest Group subscribers from the Active Subscribers page:
  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, and click the Active Subscribers on the left to access the list of active subscribers.
  2. Click in the Filter by field and select the interest group that you are interested in.  
  3. Below the list of subscribers, Filtered Active Subscribers will show the number of subscribers for the selected Interest Group.
  4. To export the list, click the Export to CSV button.

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