What are starred Newsletter Lists and how do I manage them?

If you have Newsletter Builder (for corporate customers), go to the Welcome to the Newsletter Builder platform page to learn about creating your newsletters.

In your LibraryAware account, you can star the Newsletter Lists that you regularly work on.  You can then easily filter your Newsletter Lists to only those that you have starred or set LibraryAware to only send you notifications on starred Newsletter Lists.

To star a Newsletter List:

  1. Click Newsletters at the top of the LibraryAware screen.
  2. Click Newsletter Lists on the left.
  3. From the list of Newsletter Lists, there will be a star icon to the left of the Newsletter List name.  Click the star icon to toggle it on and off.  Starred Newsletter Lists will display an orange star icon.
Note: If you create a Newsletter List, the List will be starred for you by default.

To filter your list to only show starred Newsletter Lists:

  1. Click Newsletters at the top of the LibraryAware screen.
  2. Click Newsletter Lists on the left.
  3. Above the list, click the Starred button to filter to only Newsletter Lists that you have starred.  Click All to display all Newsletter Lists (including those that are not starred). 
Note: In your Profile, you can set LibraryAware to default to show you only starred Newsletter Lists.  See the How do I change my user profile? page for more information.

Related Articles:

How do I change my user profile?

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