How do I swap a book or AV jacket image?

  1. From the Classic editor, click on the jacket image that you want to change.  The image editing toolbar will display.
  2. Click on the Swap Image icon from the image editing toolbar. This will open the Image Selector window. 
  3. There are four tabs at the Image Selector window.  Click on the Book Jackets or the AV Cover Art tab to search for a jacket image to add.
  4. Use the drop-down menu to select a field to search, then enter your search terms.
  5. Hovering over an image will display more information about the image.
  6. Click  Select Jacket to insert that image in your template. 
  7. The new image will replace the original image. Click Save in the top, right-hand corner of the Editor to save your changes. 
If you are unable to find a jacket image in LibraryAware’s database:
  1. Get the URL for the jacket image from your catalog or from another Internet source.  You can get the URL by right-clicking on the image and selecting Copy Image URL or Copy Image Location.
  2. From the Image Selector window (see steps 1-2 above), select the Images tab.
  3. At the bottom right of the Images tab, you can enter the URL for the jacket image.  Paste the URL in that field and click Upload.
  4. The Image Selector window will update to display the uploaded image.  Click Select Image to add the image to your Item.

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