How do I swap a book or AV jacket image?
- From the Classic editor, click on the jacket image that you want to change. The image editing toolbar will display.
- Click on the Swap Image icon from the image editing toolbar. This will open the Image Selector window.
- There are four tabs at the Image Selector window. Click on the Book Jackets or the AV Cover Art tab to search for a jacket image to add.
- Use the drop-down menu to select a field to search, then enter your search terms.
- Hovering over an image will display more information about the image.
- Click Select Jacket to insert that image in your template.
- The new image will replace the original image. Click Save in the top, right-hand corner of the Editor to save your changes.
If you are unable to find a jacket image in LibraryAware’s database:
- Get the URL for the jacket image from your catalog or from another Internet source. You can get the URL by right-clicking on the image and selecting Copy Image URL or Copy Image Location.
- From the Image Selector window (see steps 1-2 above), select the Images tab.
- At the bottom right of the Images tab, you can enter the URL for the jacket image. Paste the URL in that field and click Upload.
- The Image Selector window will update to display the uploaded image. Click Select Image to add the image to your Item.