How do I add or edit Community Partners?

The Community Partners section is where users can enter information about organizations, businesses, and stakeholders they partner with to facilitate communication. Community Partners can include politicians, community organizations, local businesses, school boards, and trustees, among others. 

Adding Partners to this list allows libraries to send them informational emails, invite them to library events, request sponsorships, or insert their logos and information on Items for events sponsored by them. 

To create a new Community Partner:

  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, then click the Community Partners link on the left side. 
  2. Click the orange Create button.
  3. Enter the following information: 
    • Name - The name of the organization.
    • Tagline - Information that the organization requires partners to include along with their logo, e.g. an organization's slogan.
    • Contact Name - The person to whom communications should be addressed.
    • Contact Number - A number where your contact can be reached.
    • Contact Email - An email address where your contact can be reached.
    • URL - The organization's website.
    • Description - Additional information about the organization that might be useful to users.
  4. Upload a high resolution logo by clicking the the Choose File button, locating the document on your computer, and clicking Open.
  5. Click Save.
You will remain on the same page, with confirmation at the top that the new Community Partner was created successfully. Return to the Community Partners page by clicking the blue Go Back link. 

To edit a Community Partner:

  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, then click the Community Partners link on the left side.  
  2. Click Edit next to the partner's name in the Community Partners list. If you can't find a partner in a long list, see Search for Community Partners below. 
  3. Update the partner's name, Tagline, Contact Name, Contact Number, Contact Email Address, URL, Description, and/or Logo.
  4. Click Save Changes

You will remain on the same page with confirmation at the top that the subscriber has been updated successfully. Click Go Back to return to the Email Subscribers page.

To remove a Community Partner:

  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, then click the Community Partners link on the left side.   
  2. Select the checkbox next to the Community Partner(s) you wish to remove.  If you can't find a partner in a long list, see Search for Community Partners below. 
  3. Click Delete checked above the Community Partner list.
  4. You will be asked to confirm that you would like to delete the partner. Click OK to remove them. 
The partners will no longer be listed in the Community Partners page. 

To search for Community Partners:

  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, then click the Community Partners link on the left side.    
  2. Begin typing the partner's name in the Search box above the partner list. 
  3. The partner list will begin to narrow as you continue entering characters in the Search box, until only the matching names are listed.
  4. To return to the full Community Partners list, delete the characters from the Search box. 

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