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How do I change my user profile?

Click the My Profile link in the top right corner to change your user settings and update your password for LibraryAware.

Change your settings

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Default Organization – If you have access to multiple organizations, select the organization that you want to display when you log in to LibraryAware.  See the How do I access LibraryAware accounts for other branches? page to learn how to access your other organizations.
  • Default Tab – Select the tab that you would like LibraryAware to display by default, when you sign in.

Click the Save Preferences button to save the changes you have made.

Filter Settings

You can set your list of Promotions or Newsletter Lists to be filtered to starred items by default.  

From the first drop-down menu, change you settings to view only starred Promotions or All Promotions by default. Note that you will be able to filter your list of Promotions.

From the second drop-down, change your settings to view only starred Newsletter Lists or All Newsletter Lists by default.  Note that you will be able to filter your lists of Newsletters Lists.

Click Save Filter Settings to save your changes.

Email Notification Preferences

To be notified that Advance Lists from NextReads and new syndicated issues are available:

  1. From the Email Notification Preferences section, use the drop-down menu to receive notifications for only starred Newsletter Lists, or for all Newsletter Lists.
  2. Select the organization(s) (libraries) for which you would like to receive notifications (if you have access to more than one organization in LibraryAware).  
  3. Click the Save Preferences button to save your changes.

You will now receive regular emails that list all NextReads Advance Lists and all syndicated newsletter issues (from NextReads or a parent organization) that are available to the organization(s) you selected.  See the What is the NextReads Advance List and how do I view it? page for information on viewing the Advance List.

Update your login/email address

The email address that you currently use to log in to your LibraryAware account will be listed here.

To change your login email address:
  1. From the Update your login/email address section, enter the new email address in the New Email Address field.
  2. Click the Change Email Address button.

Update your password

  • Current Password – Enter your current LibraryAware password.
  • New Password – Enter your new password.  Your LibraryAware password must include 1 uppercase character, 1 lowercase character, 1 number or symbol, and be between 6 and 50 characters.
  • New Password Confirmation – Enter your new password again to verify that it was entered correctly.

Click the Change Password button to change your password for LibraryAware.

Related Articles:

How do I access LibraryAware accounts for other branches?

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