I want to view my folder's publication schedule
To view the publication schedule for a folder:

3. From the menu on the right, select Folder Schedule.

Make a selection from the Channel drop-down menu to view only those Items published to a particular channel. You can filter this list to only those Items that you have starred, by clicking the Starred button. If you set your profile settings to show Starred promotions by default, you can click All to view information for all Items.
You can view a preview of an Item by clicking the View Online link.
To cancel an Item before it has been published:
- At the Schedule page, you can cancel an Item by clicking the Delete Post link to the right of the Item.
- You will be asked to confirm before the Item is canceled. Click OK to cancel the post, or Cancel to return to your Schedule page.
To remove a published Item:
- At the Schedule page, you can remove a published widget or email by clicking the Take down post link to the right of the Item.
- You will be asked to confirm before the Item is removed. Click OK to remove the post, or Cancel to return to your Schedule page.
Note: Once an item has been emailed, it cannot be unsent. When an email post is take down, the View Online link from the email will no longer work.