How do I edit or delete Subscriber Interest Groups?

Note: Only users who are assigned the Administrator or Publisher role will have access to the Subscriber Interest Groups page.

To rename a Subscriber Interest Group:

  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, and click the Subscriber Interest Groups link on the left.
  2. Click on the Edit link to the right of the Interest Group you want to rename.
  3. Enter a new name in the Interest Group box.
  4. Click Save Changes.

To set an Interest Group to private or public:

Note: Private Interest Groups will be marked with a lock icon in the list of Subscriber Interest Groups.
  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, and click the Subscriber Interest Groups link on the left.
  2. Click on the Edit link to the right of the Interest Group.
  3. If you want to set the Interest Group to be private, check the Exclude from Opt-In page checkbox.  To set it to be public, uncheck the Exclude from Opt-In page checkbox.

To deactivate an Interest Group:

You cannot delete a Subscriber Interest Group in LibraryAware. Instead you can deactivate an Interest Group to prevent a user from publishing to that Group. 

  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, and click the Subscriber Interest Groups link on the left.
  2. Click the Deactivate link to the right of the Subscriber Interest Group.
  3. You will be asked to confirm the deactivation of the Interest Group.  Click OK to confirm.
You can view deactivated Interest Groups by clicking the Inactive button beside the Search box.

To reactivate an Interest Group:

  1. Select Subscribers from the top of LibraryAware, and click the Subscriber Interest Group link on the left.
  2. Click the Activate link to the right of the Subscriber Interest Group.
You can view active Interest Groups by clicking the Active button beside the Search box.

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