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What dimension should I use for each of my branding blocks?

The size requirements of each branding block will vary depending on the type of Item in which it is used.  Here are the sizes for each block (width by height, in inches and in pixels):

NOTE: If your library uses A3/A4 size paper (rather than North American standard sizes), view these suggested dimensions. If you have questions or concerns about branding, please contact our support team at

Bifold Brochure (Landscape):  5 x 1.5 in | 480 x 144 px
Brochure finished size: 11 x 8.5 in

Bookmark-4-page:   2.25 x 2.25 in | 216 x 216 px
Bookmark finished size: 2.75 x 8.5 in or 8.5 x 2.75 in

Bookmark-3-page:  3.166 x 1.5 in | 304 x 144 px
Bookmark finished size: 3.67 x 8.5 in  

Bookmark-2-page:  3.75 x 0.625 in | 360 x 60 px
Bookmark finished size: 4.25 x 11 in  

Flyer (Landscape):  10.5 x 1.25 in | 1008 x 120 px
Flyer finished size: 11 x 8.5 in    

Flyer (Portrait) (also Two Sided-Posters):  8 x 1.25 in | 768 x 120 px
Flyer finished size: 8.5 x 11 in  
Poster finished size: 11 x 17 in  

Half Flyer (Landscape):  8 x 0.75 in | 768 x 72 px
Flyer finished size: 8.5 x 5.5 in  

Half Flyer (Portrait):  5 x 0.75 in  | 480 x 72 px
Flyer finished size: 5.5 x 8.5 in   

Quarter Flyer (Landscape):  5 x 0.625 in | 480 x 60 px
Flyer finished size: 5.5 x 4.25 in    

Quarter Flyer (Portrait):  3.75 x 0.625 in | 360 x 60 px
Flyer finished size: 4.25 x 5.5 in    

Poster (Landscape):  16.5 x 1 in | 1584 x 96 px
Poster finished size: 17 x 11 in  

Poster (Portrait):   10.5 x 1 in | 1008 x 96 px
Poster finished size: 11 x 17 in    

Trifold Brochure (Landscape):  3.166 x 1.5 in | 304 x 144 px
Brochure finished size: 11 x 8.5 in    

Email Header (height can be adjusted based on content):  6.35 x 1 in | 610 x 96 px

Email Footer (height can be adjusted based on content):  6.35 x 1 in | 610 x 96 px

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How do I create custom branding in Publisher?

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