System Requirements

Users can access LibraryAware from any PC or Mac. The minimum browser requirements for LibraryAware are as follows:


Latest version plus one previous version


Latest version plus one previous version

Google Chrome

Latest version plus one previous version

Microsoft Edge

Latest Edge release plus one previous major version

At this time, LibraryAware is not supported on iPads or other tablet or mobile devices, If you try to access LibraryAware from one of these devices you will receive an error message. While the Chrome browser on these devices provides similar features to the desktop version of Chrome, there are differences in the engine that is used to display webpages and handle various interactions. Because of these differences, LibraryAware is not supported on tablet and mobile devices. 

LibraryAware does not require any plugins and works with most internet speeds. 4Mb/s connection is the minimum suggested for optimal performance, which is at the low end of what is considered “Broadband.” However, a “Broadband/cable” connection may be adequate.

NOTE: Patrons can view your published content from any browser or from a mobile device.  

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