How do I add banners in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?
Jump start:
If your template shows a banner placeholder, just click on it and the banner settings will open.
Need to swap out the main or secondary images? Piece of cake! Click the icon of rotating arrows and select a new image or graphic. We have millions to choose from. Really.
Want to layer on some text? Click the T icon on the top toolbar then click the image to get your caption box. Pop in your text, move it into place, and like magic you have a perfectly customized banner.
Need to swap out the main or secondary images? Piece of cake! Click the icon of rotating arrows and select a new image or graphic. We have millions to choose from. Really.
Want to layer on some text? Click the T icon on the top toolbar then click the image to get your caption box. Pop in your text, move it into place, and like magic you have a perfectly customized banner.

Deeper dive
Insert new Banner Block: Drag and drop a Banner Block into an exiting Structure in the e-blast. Click it to open the LibraryAware Image Selector.

From here you can search for and select an image from our extensive library, upload an image from your computer, or use an image URL.
Click Select to add the image to your e-blast.
In the e-blast, click on the banner image to open the banner settings menu.
Click Select to add the image to your e-blast.
In the e-blast, click on the banner image to open the banner settings menu.

Crop: Click the Crop icon. Use the + and – controls to adjust the size (you cannot make the image smaller than it's original size). After increasing the size, click and drag the image within the crop box to feature the desired portion of the image. Restore the image to original image size by clicking on the Initial size icon. When cropping is completed, click Save.

Change image: Swap the image for another by clicking the Change image icon.

Orientation: Select an orientation of the banner by clicking the corresponding icon. Vertical, Square, or Horizontal.
Banner height: Adjust the height of the banner image using the + and – controls or by entering a numerical value. Restore the image to original image size by clicking on the Restore actual banner size icon.
Filter: Use the drop-down to select a filter.
Link: Enter the URL of where you want viewers to be directed when they click on the banner. Use the Site drop-down menu to select the type of link you want to include. To link to a book in your catalog, an e-resource, or uploaded file, click the Additional Link Options button.
Alternate text: Add Alt text to the image for accessibility. See: Accessibility in LibraryAware Emails.
Additional picture: To add a second image layered over the main image, click to toggle on. The LibraryAware Image Selector will open where you can search for and select an image from our extensive library, upload an image from your computer, or use an image URL.
NOTE: When linking to a book in your catalog, catalog holdings information will be displayed if your library has On The Shelf (OTS). For libraries not using OTS, to ensure you are linking to the copy owned by your library, search by ISBN.
Alternate text: Add Alt text to the image for accessibility. See: Accessibility in LibraryAware Emails.
Additional picture: To add a second image layered over the main image, click to toggle on. The LibraryAware Image Selector will open where you can search for and select an image from our extensive library, upload an image from your computer, or use an image URL.
Click Select to add the image to your banner. Click on the image in the template to resize and move into position.
Swap the image for another by clicking the Change image icon. Edit the image (rotate, crop, and more) by clicking on the Edit image icon.

Add an anchor link: Anchor links allow viewers to jump to specific areas within the email. To add an anchor link to the banner, click to toggle on Add an anchor link and enter a name for the anchor.
Next, click on the Block that you would like linked to this anchor.
Hide element: If you wish to hide a banner from view on either desktop or mobile devices, select the corresponding icon in the Hide element section.
Include in: By default, the banner will be included in both HTML and AMPHTML emails. This is shown in the Include in setting. We do not recommend you change this setting.
Delete: To delete a Banner Block, hover over it in the e-blast. A menu tab will appear on the right side of the block. Click on the tab then the trash can icon.

Pro tip! Add visual flair to your banner image by including an Additional picture. Search for the keywords design element, frame, or shape to find a wide selection of images that work great layered over the main image.

Add an anchor link: Anchor links allow viewers to jump to specific areas within the email. To add an anchor link to the banner, click to toggle on Add an anchor link and enter a name for the anchor.
Next, click on the Block that you would like linked to this anchor.
- To link a piece of text in a Text Block, highlight it and click the Change Link icon on the formatting toolbar. In the settings menu, go to Link and click the Site drop-down menu. At the bottom of the drop-down, select the anchor.
- To add the link to other Blocks, in the settings menu for that Block, go to Link and click the Site drop-down menu. At the bottom of the drop-down, select the anchor.
NOTE: Anchor links are not supported in some email clients: iOS Gmail app, iOS Apple Mail, Outlook app on Android, Outlook app for macOS and AMP Emails.
Hide element: If you wish to hide a banner from view on either desktop or mobile devices, select the corresponding icon in the Hide element section.
Pro tip! There are a few reasons why you might need this option. For example, you may want to hide some elements on mobile devices to avoid horizontal scrolling, which could happen if you apply a large font size to the text. Click the Device Preview icon at the top of the page to see how your email will look on desktop and mobile devices.
Include in: By default, the banner will be included in both HTML and AMPHTML emails. This is shown in the Include in setting. We do not recommend you change this setting.
Delete: To delete a Banner Block, hover over it in the e-blast. A menu tab will appear on the right side of the block. Click on the tab then the trash can icon.