How do I upload and manage images for my library?
Only users who are assigned the Administrator role will have access to the entire Admin section of LibraryAware. Learn more about user roles in LibraryAware.
At the Image Management page, Administrators can upload and manage image files. Once an Administrator uploads a file, it will be accessible to the other LibraryAware users at that organization.
Images can also be uploaded at the LibraryAware Image Selector when editing an item. This can be done by users with the role of Editor, Publisher, or Administrator.
What types of image files can I upload? |
- Supported image file types include .png, .jpg, and .gif. The maximum size allowed for a single file is 5 MB.
- The image file name will need to have an extension in the file name for it to upload successfully. For example, Book.jpg will upload successfully but Book without the .jpg extension will not.
- The image file name should contain only letters and/or numbers, no special characters. For example, Book1.jpg will upload successfully but Book(1).jpg may cause errors.
To upload an image at the Image Management page: |
- Select ADMIN from the main navigation toolbar at the top of LibraryAware.
- Select Image Management from the menu on the left.
- Click the Upload Additional Images button.
- Navigate to a file on your computer and click on the file name. To select multiple image files at once, hold down the Control key on your keyboard as you select the files.
- Click Open to add the file(s) to your account.
To upload an image at the LibraryAware Image Selector: |
- When editing an item, add an image or swap/change an image. See how for print items/widgets. See how for e-blasts.
- When the LibraryAware Image Selector opens:
Click the Select image from your computer button.
Click the Upload Image button. - Navigate to a file on your computer and click on the file name.
- Click Open to add the file to your account.
To manage your images at the Image Management page: |
- Select ADMIN from the main navigation toolbar at the top of LibraryAware.
- Select Image Management from the menu on the left.

Your list of uploaded files will include the following information:
- File Name
- Size - The maximum size you are allowed for a single file is 5 MB.
- Date Uploaded
- Active – The green checkmark will appear if the image has not been deactivated by an Administrator at your library.
- Edit – Select the Edit link to change the file name or add/view keywords for an image.
Keywords can help you organize your images so that you can easily find and add them to your Items. Enter a keyword in the Keyword(s) box and click the + button. The keywords you entered for an image will be listed on this page. Click Save to save your changes. When you add images to your Items, you will be able to search by Keyword from the Image Selector window. - Deactivate/Activate – Select the Deactivate link if you do not want an image to be available to other LibraryAware users when they are creating your organization’s Items. To view deactivated images, check the Show Deactivated Images checkbox at the top of the page. You can select the Activate link to make an image file available again to your LibraryAware users.
You can sort the list of uploaded images by clicking on a column header. Click a column header once to sort in ascending order and again to sort in descending order. You can also search for a file name or keyword using the Search box at the top of the page.