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How do I create and edit a newsletter issue?

Newsletter issues created under the Newsletters tab in LibraryAware use our Classic Editor.

For information about making your newsletters accessible, see our page on Accessibility in LibraryAware Emails.

To create a newsletter issue:
  1. Click on the Newsletters tab at the top of the LibraryAware page.
  2. On the left side of the Newsletters Overview page, click the Newsletter Lists link.
  3. Locate your newsletter list, or search for it by title, and click the Create Issue link below it.

How to edit newsletters (including NextReads newsletters):

Add a Table of Contents

Also, view our short video tutorial on creating newsletters:

NOTE: Emails in LibraryAware provide a selection of email-safe fonts. These are fonts that come pre-loaded on most computers and devices. Many email providers (including Outlook, Gmail, and Yahoo) do not support other fonts, such as decorative and script. If the font used isn’t installed on your reader’s device, it could end up looking ”#like this>.” Email-safe fonts in emails ensure that your email text renders correctly for your subscribers.

To name and save the issue:

  1. Type a name for your issue into the Issue Name field.
  2. To save the issue, click the Save button in the top right corner of the page, or click the File menu and select Save As.  Remember to save your issue as you work.

To add/edit a newsletter title and date:

  1. In the newsletter title and date field, highlight the placeholder text.
  2. Enter the current newsletter information (e.g., January 2014).

To insert information in a Section Header or text field:

  1. Highlight the current or placeholder text in the Section Header or text area.
  2. Enter your new text.  For example, if your text area is under the Section Header, you can enter a description of the section in the text area.

To insert or replace an existing field:

  1. With your mouse, click on the Reusable field in your newsletter to view the options menu.
  2. Click the Change button.
    1. Any Reusables of this type (books, AV records, events, e-resources) previously used in this newsletter list will be listed.
    2. If you want to use a new item, search for the information that you want to add, using the search box at the top of the window.
      • Book – Search for a book by keyword, or use the Search drop-down to search by author, title, or ISBN.  Book information (including jacket image and annotation) is retrieved from our Book Index with Reviews database or from archived NextReads annotations (only from the same newsletter list).  Note that an ISBN search will retrieve only that specific edition.  If you need help locating a book, please see What if I have trouble finding the book that I want to add to my Item or newsletter?.
      • AV – Search for an AV record by keyword, or use the Search drop-down to search by title or UPC.  AV information (including jacket image and annotation) is retrieved from our Book Index with Reviews database.  If you have trouble finding an AV item, trying searching the UPC with the field code TX.  For example, search “TX 00085391173649.”
      • E-Resource - If your LibraryAware administrator has added e-resources to your account, you can search for them by name.
      • Event – If you use Evanced Events for your library’s calendar, you can search for an event by name. If not, click on the Add a blank event button, enter the event information and click Save.  Note: Your library’s LibraryAware administrator must add the Evanced Feed URL to your Basic Settings for this to be enabled. 
    3. Click Use this to add the Reusable information to your Item.
  3. When you add a book or AV record to your newsletter, the title and jacket image will automatically link to the record in your catalog (based on the Catalog Link Formats entered at the Basic Settings page).  See below for more information on adding and editing catalog links.  

To add additional fields (including section headers, text areas, and book and AV Reusables, etc.):

  1. Click on the field of your newsletter that is just above where you want to add another field to view the options menu. 
  2. Click the Add New drop-down to see a list of the field types that can be added. Note: Different sized columns accommodate different fields, so the options in this drop-down menu will vary based on the column and the template used for the newsletter list. 
  3. Move your mouse over a field type to see the available layouts.
  4. Select a layout option from the drop-down.  
  5. If you select a book, AV, community partner, e-resource, or event field, you will be prompted to select the Reusable.  Search for the information that you want to add using the search box. Click Use this to add the Reusable information to your Item.
  6. The field or Reusable will be added below.
  7. As fields and Reusables are added to each column, the newsletter will expand.

To add multiple books/AV records at once:

Some templates will allow you to add multiple books or AV records at one time.
  1. Click on the field of your newsletter that is just above where you want to add your additional records.  The options menu will pop up.
  2. Click the Add New drop-down.
  3. From the Multiple Records option, select Books by ISBN or AV Records by UPC.
  4. Type or paste in your ISBNs/UPCs, separated by either commas or hard returns.
  5. Select the layout to use for your records.
  6. Check “Clear this zone before rendering my records” if you want to remove all existing records from the area/column where you will be importing records.
  7. Click the orange Add button.
  8. The records will be added below.

To import records from a newsletter

You can add events, books, AV records, and e-resources from one newsletter to another.  
  1. Click on the field of your newsletter that is just above where you want to add your additional records.  The options menu will pop up.
  2. Click the Add New drop-down.
  3. From the Multiple Records option, select Records from Newsletter.  This will open a window to select your records.
  4. From the drop-down menus, select the Newsletter List and Newsletter Issue.
  5. Click the Select My Records button.
  6. A list of the records found in that newsletter issue will display.  Use the checkboxes to the left of each records, to select the records that you would like to add.  Note, the records will be added to your current newsletter in the order that they appear in the newsletter issue.
  7. Click the Select how these records will be displayed button.
  8. For each type of records, use the drop-down to select the desired layout.
  9. Check “Clear this zone before rendering my records” if your want to remove all existing records from the area/column where you will be importing records.
  10. Click the Import my records into this zone button.
  11. Your records will be added to your newsletter.

To delete fields from your newsletter:

  1. Click on the field (section headers, text boxes, Reusables) you would like to delete to view the options menu.
  2. Click the Delete icon. 
  3. The field will be removed from your newsletter.

To move fields in your newsletter:

  1. Click on the field you would like to move to view the options menu.
  2. Click the Re-order icon.
  3. The field will be highlighted in blue.  Using your mouse, drag the field to another part of the newsletter.
Note: Fields from one column cannot be moved to a different column.

To change a jacket image in your newsletter:

  1. Click on the image.  The image formatting toolbar will appear at the top of the Editor.
  2. Click the Swap Image icon.
  3. The Image Selector window will open with the Book Jackets tab selected.  Search for a book and click the Select Jacket button.  Note that you can also select an image from the other tabs at the Image Selector window.
Note: To remove the book jacket from a book field, you will need to delete this field and add the “Book without jacket” layout.  See information on adding additional fields above.

To edit a catalog link or the preferred link type:

Note: If catalog linking is already set up for your organization, catalog links will automatically be included in NextReads newsletters and when you add books and AV records to a newsletter.  See How do I set up and edit catalog links for my NextReads newsletters? for more information.
  1. Use your mouse to insert your cursor at any place in the text of the linked book or AV title, or click on the jacket image.
  2. Click the Add/Edit Link icon in the formatting toolbar.
  3. From the Book tab of the Add/Edit Link window, change the information in the Title, Author, ISBN or UPC field, to match the information in your catalog.
  4. At the Preferred Catalog Link field, you can select a different type of catalog search.
  5. Click OK to change the link in your newsletter.
  6. Test all catalog links before sending the newsletter to subscribers. To test your links, hover over the link or jacket image with your mouse and click the URL in the box that pops up.  

To add/edit other types of links:

  1. Highlight the text you want to link or place your mouse cursor where you want to add the link.  Or highlight your existing link or link text.
  2. From the formatting toolbar that appears at the top of the Editor, click the Add/Edit link button.
  3. To link to an e-resource:
    1. Select the E-Resource tab at the Add/Edit Link window.
    2. Click the Select E-Resource button.
    3. Select the e-resource you would like to link to by clicking Use this e-resource.
    4. From the drop-down menu, select the Link Format that you want to use.  
    5. When you select the Link Format, you will be asked to enter the required parameters for that link prototype, for example the generic search query.  
      Note: Your link prototypes were defined at the E-Resources  page under Admin.
  4. To link to an uploaded file:
    1. Select the Uploaded File tab at the Add/Edit Link window.
    2. Click the Choose File button.
    3. Find and select the file on your local computer.
    4. Click Open.
  5. To link to custom URL:
    1. Select the Custom tab at the Add/Edit Link window.
    2. Enter the URL for your link.  Make sure to include “http://” or “https://”.
  6. To add a mailto: link that will open an email to a particular email address (email will open in the default email client for the user):
    1. Select the Mail To tab at the Add/Edit Link window.
    2. In the Recipient field, enter the email address for your link.
    3. Enter a Subject and/or Body that will appear in the email by default.
  7. Click the OK button to add your link to the Item.  If no text was selected for your link, the file name (for links to uploaded files) or the full URL (for custom links and e-resources) will display.
  8. Test your links before sending the newsletter to your subscribers.  To test your links, hover over the link with your mouse and click the URL in the box that pops up.

To edit the text in a Reusable field:

  1. To change an annotation or information in a Reusable field, highlight the text making sure not to include extra spaces before or after the text.
  2. Enter the new text, or click the backspace or delete key on your keyboard to remove the text.

To format the text of your Reusables:

If you need to change the size, color or alignment of reusable text you will need to convert it to rich text before you can format it. 
  1. Click on the Reusable field to view the options menu.
  2. Click the Convert To Rich Text icon.
  3. Click the Enter Rich Text Mode button in the pop-up window.
  4. Now you can highlight the text you want to format and use the formatting toolbar at the top of the Editor.

To edit the colors used in your newsletter:

The color swatch in your newsletter was defined when you created your Newsletter List.
  1. At the top of the Editor, click the Color Swatch button.
  2. In the Color Swatch window, your current swatch will display.
  3. Click the Use a different color swatch link to select a different color swatch.
  4. To edit your current color swatch, click the Pencil icon.
  5. The Color Swatch window will expand to show the full swatches for Text Colors and Background Colors.  
    Note: The second background color will always be white and cannot be changed.
  6. Click on the color (either Text or Background) that you want to change in your swatch.
  7. A window will pop-up to allow you to edit the color.
  8. You can enter the RGB values or hex code for your desired color, or drag the arrows for the color bar in the center of the window to your desired color range.
  9. As you drag the arrows in the color bar, the large box on the left side of this window will display the shades for the selected color range.  
  10. Using your mouse, drag and drop the white circle in this large box, to find your color.  
  11. To the right of the color bar, you will see two small boxes. Your selected color will display in the small box on the left.  It will also display in your newsletter, behind this window.  If you want to return to your original color, you can click on the second small box on the right.
  12. Once you have found your desired color, click in the Color Swatch window. 
  13. You can repeat steps 6-12 to change as many colors as you like.
  14. To save your swatch you have two options.  
    1. To save this swatch to use in other Newsletter Lists and Items, click the orange Save swatch for this organization button. 
    2. To save this swatch for use in this newsletter only, click the drop-down arrow on the orange button and select Save swatch for this item
  15. The Color Swatch window will display your new current swatch.  To return to your newsletter, click the X in the top corner of the Color Swatch window. 

To add images to your newsletter:

  1. Click on the field of your newsletter that is just above where you want to add your image.
  2. Click the Add New drop-down. 
  3. Move your mouse over the Custom Section option from the drop-down.
  4. Select one of the image layout options.  
  5. The image placeholder boxes will be added to the newsletter.
  6. Click on the image placeholder to display the image editing toolbar at the top of the Editor.
  7. Click on the Swap Image icon from the image editing toolbar to open the Image Selector.
  8. There are four tabs at the Image Selector window.  
    • From the Images tab of the Image Selector window you can view all LibraryAware images and any images your library has uploaded. 
      • Keyword(s) search: Search for images tagged with specific keywords.  If you are looking for graphic elements, take a look at our specific keywords for those images.  
      • Only images in this promotion: Check this box to display only the images that have already been saved in this Promotion.
      • Filter by Organization: If you have access to multiple organizations' LibraryAware accounts, you can choose which organization's images are displayed.
      • Source(s): By default, all images (LibraryAware stock images and your library’s uploaded images) will be displayed. You can Exclude Stock Photos (i.e. show only your library’s images), or show Only Stock Photos (i.e. exclude your library’s images).  
      • Sort by: You can sort by Name Ascending or Descending or by Date Uploaded Ascending or Descending.
      • Select an image from your computer: Click this button to locate and open an image from your local computer.  Your image will be uploaded to LibraryAware.
      • URL for online image: If you locate an image online, you can right-click on the image to copy the image location.  You can then paste the URL for the image into this field.  Click Upload to upload it to LibraryAware.
    • From the Promotional Items tab, you can view and add thumbnails for an Item your library has created.
      • Search: Search for an Item by name.
      • Only items in this promotion: Check this box to display only the thumbnail images for Items in this Promotion.
      • Sort by: You can sort by Name Ascending or Descending or by Date Uploaded Ascending or Descending.
    • From the Book Jackets or the AV Cover Art tab you can search for a jacket image to add.
      • Search: Use the drop-down menu to select a field to search, then enter your search terms.
  9. Hovering over an image will display more information about the image.
  10. Click Select Image or Select Jacket to insert that image in your template. 
  11. The new image will replace your original image.  For information on editing your image, see How do I edit my image?.
See How do I edit my image? for more information.

To add a Table of Contents to the newsletter:

Note: At this time, the Table of Contents field is only available in select templates and only in particular columns.  
  1. Click on the field of your newsletters that is just above where you want to add your table of contents.
  2. Click the Add New drop-down. 
  3. Move your mouse over the Table of Contents option from the drop-down and select the Table of Contents layout.
  4. From the Table of Contents Settings window, select the information that you want to display in the Table of Contents.  You can include Books, Events, Section Headers, and/or AV records.
  5. Click OK.
  6. The Table of Contents will display the information that you selected and that you have included in your newsletter.  You can edit the Table of Contents at any time by hovering over the section and clicking the Edit TOC Settings icon. Note: The newsletter must include content for the section types in order for the items to be visible in the Table of Contents.

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