How do I bulk upload a list of subscribers?
Have a list of subscribers you want to upload to LibraryAware? It's easy with the Bulk Subscribers option!
Prepare your list |
NOTE: If your list contains more than 20,000 email address, please contact LibraryAware Support at for assistance.
How to format your list
- .txt file (e.g. Notepad)
Order the subscribers by email, first name, last name. You must include a comma between each field. - .csv file (e.g. Microsoft Excel)
Order the columns in the spreadsheet by email, first name, last name.
* If you do not have first and last names in your file, in Microsoft Excel put a single space in Row 1-Columns B and C. Content is required in all three columns of only the first row (whether a name or a single space) for the .csv file to upload successfully.
Pro tip! When uploading a spreadsheet of subscribers exported from another source, make sure to delete extra columns (only have Column A-email, Column B-first name, and Column C-last name) and remove any deactivated subscribers.
Tips for curating your list of subscribers
- Use your own database of contacts, do not purchase electronic mailing lists from other sources.
- Consider if you have permission from the contacts on your list to use their information and subscribe them to these communications.
Bulk upload your list |
- From the main navigation toolbar in LibraryAware, select SUBSCRIBERS. This will open to your list of Active Subscribers (see the Subscribers section menu on the left).
- Click the Add button and select Bulk Subscribers.
- The default name of the upload will be the current date and time. You can rename the upload if you choose.
- Select to Upload a list of subscribers or to Paste in a list of subscribers.
Upload a list of subscribers:*File must be formatted as in the examples above.
- Click Choose File.
- Locate the file on your computer and click Open. (Make sure the file is closed on your computer prior to uploading.)
Paste in a list of subscribers:*List must be formatted as in the .txt file example above.
- Paste in your list of subscribers in the correct format, with each subscriber listed on a separate line
- Optionally - Select Subscriber Interest Groups to add the subscribers to. Or enter a new group in the Create Subscriber Interest Group field and click Add.
- Optionally - Select Newsletter Lists to add the subscribers to.
- Click Import and update Subscribers.
- The Upload Details page will display.
What happens if the list I upload has subscribers who are already subscribed?
During the validation process, LibraryAware recognizes duplicate entries. The subscriber will be added to any new Subscriber Interest Groups or Newsletters indicated in the upload and is considered “updated.” They will not appear more than once in your list of Active Subscribers.
What happens if the list I upload has a subscriber who was previously added but has unsubscribed?
During the validation process, LibraryAware will recognize that the subscriber already exists but has unsubscribed. They will not be included in your list of Active Subscribers. If someone who has unsubscribed wants to receive your emails again, they must re-subscribe through your opt-in page.
During the validation process, LibraryAware recognizes duplicate entries. The subscriber will be added to any new Subscriber Interest Groups or Newsletters indicated in the upload and is considered “updated.” They will not appear more than once in your list of Active Subscribers.
What happens if the list I upload has a subscriber who was previously added but has unsubscribed?
During the validation process, LibraryAware will recognize that the subscriber already exists but has unsubscribed. They will not be included in your list of Active Subscribers. If someone who has unsubscribed wants to receive your emails again, they must re-subscribe through your opt-in page.
Check the validation status of your bulk upload |
- From the main navigation toolbar in LibraryAware, select SUBSCRIBERS.
- On the left, select Bulk Upload History.
- From the Bulk Upload History you can view:
- Name of the bulk upload
- Date and time of upload
- Upload type – A “Normal” upload indicates that subscribers were added through the bulk upload. A “deny list” upload indicates that deactivated subscribers were added through the bulk upload.
- Upload Status
- The number of new subscribers in the bulk upload file
- The number of subscriber still pending validation
- The number of updated subscriber in the bulk upload file
- Click the More Detail link to view more information about the email addresses in the bulk upload.
View subscribers pending validation after your bulk upload |
- From the main navigation toolbar in LibraryAware, select SUBSCRIBERS.
- On the left, select Pending Subscribers.
- For each pending subscriber you can view:
- Email address
- First name
- Last name
- View Import link if the validation is in progress. Clicking this link will give you the detail for the bulk upload.