I want to create an event or book carousel or digital signage
What the heck is a widget? It’s a virtual container that holds one or more rotating images that you can embed on the web via a snippet of code. The widget code can be added to most webpages, including blogs, or display screen software that accepts image URLs.
Display a book carousel (newsletter widget) on your website

Use one or more of the NextReads newsletters or your own custom book newsletter to create a book carousel on your website. Show one book at a time or several. Choose how fast the covers move and where they link to when clicked. It’s all up to you!
See examples of what other libraries have created.
Display an event carousel (promotional widget) on your website

Show your events, services and collection the same love using digital slides on your website. LibraryAware has widget templates in many sizes and aspect ratios. Follow our steps for creating a digital carousel.
Create graphics for social media
Create graphics for social media

LibraryAware offers book and event templates in a variety of sizes for different social media platforms. Choose a template based on the platforms you want to use. Customize the template if you wish and then post to social media.
Create digital signage
Create digital signage

To create digital signage, determine the size and aspect ratio you will need. After you edit your template, you can then save the template as an image and upload it into your display software.
Here’s how to create digital signs for display on a Tech Logic CircIT Self-Checkout Machine.
Here’s how to create digital signs for display on a Tech Logic CircIT Self-Checkout Machine.