How do I customize a layout using Structures in the Drag & Drop Email Editor?

These instructions apply to e-blast templates that use the Drag and Drop Email Editor only. For instructions on editing e-blasts created in the Classic Editor, see Creating & Using E-Blasts: Classic Editor.

LibraryAware comes loaded with a wide variety of professionally designed templates created for the Drag & Drop Email Editor and ready to use as-is. What if you want to add some sections that the template doesn’t already have? Structures are your answer. Choose the jump start method or skip to dive in deeper and get a few pro tips.

NOTE: The steps below will help you customize a template, perfect for a one-time use. If you want something to use over and over again that’s customized to your needs, you’ll want to create a template by following these steps instead.

Jump start

So you found a template design you really like and it’s close but not exactly what you want. No problem! Structures, which are the framework for your e-blast, can be added to hold all kinds of content exactly where you want it.

Under the Content tab, you’ll see options for the Structures available. Drag over the layout you want to include from one single area to four (don’t worry, you can add more in a bit). Now click on Blocks and drag into each rectangle the kind of content you want to include. Want to add more or adjust the look? Hover over that framework you’ve just dropped into your email to see the Structure tab. Click it and make as many or as few changes as you want. It’s that easy!  

Deeper dive

Drag and drop a Structure into your e-blast. Each Structure is made up of one or more Containers to hold the content you want to feature. You can add up to eight Containers horizontally in the Structure. Let’s look at how to do that.

  1. Once you’ve placed a Structure into your e-blast, hover over the Structure and click the Structure tab that appears. The Structure settings menu will open on the left.

  2. Add Containers by clicking the + icon. Delete Containers using the trash can icon.

  3. Adjust the Indent between containers using the + or controls, or by entering a numerical value.

More settings

Background color of structure: To change the background color, click the color box. Enter a color hex code, use one of the preselected colors, or use the Color Picker.   

Padding: Adjust the perimeter padding of the Structure using the + or controls, or by entering a numerical value.
By default, the padding is included in the mobile view. If you would like to remove the padding from mobile view, click Padding between containers on mobile to toggle it off.

Pro tip! Sometimes you want to make your email design “clean” with lots of white space. Sometimes you use padding for containers and structures to fill them in with a color background. This all looks good on desktop devices, but on mobile devices, it may make those elements less attractive. So, you may want to remove padding for mobile devices. Click the Device Preview icon at the top of the page to see how your email will look on desktop and mobile devices.

Rounding corners: Adjust the rounding of the corners of the Structure using the + or controls, or by entering a numerical value. If you want the Structure to have unique Rounding on each edge, click the Separately toggle to turn this on and set the values for each edge.

Containers inversion on mobile: This option only appears when you have a two-column Structure. When this is toggled on, your Containers will appear stacked instead of side-by-side on mobile view. Try it and check out the mobile view in device preview.

Pro tip! You may want to use inversion if you have a two-column Structure with an Image Block on one side and a Text Block on the other so that the text appears below the image on mobile view.

Responsive structure: Structures are set to default to a responsive view so when sent, the email layout will adjust according to the size of the viewer’s screen and Containers will be stacked in each Structure. If you wish to turn this off, click the Responsive structure toggle. We do not recommend you change this setting.

Hide element: Want to hide a Structure from view on either desktop or mobile devices? You can by selecting the device icon.

Pro tip! There are a few reasons why you might need this option. For example, you may want to hide some elements on mobile devices to avoid horizontal scrolling, which could happen if you apply a large font size to the text. Click the Device Preview icon at the top of the page to see how your email will look on desktop and mobile devices.

Include in: By default, the Structure will be included in both HTML and AMPHTML emails. This is shown in the Include in setting. We do not recommend you change this setting.

Just like other email elements, Structures can be saved as Modules for re-use in other emails that use the Drag & Drop Email Editor, moved, copied, or deleted. Just hover your mouse over the menu that appears to make changes.  

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